The Healers; Healer
You spend your days healing ❤️🩹 and caring for others, who heals you?
It’s my calling to empower the Healers, by sharing the Universe energy of Gaia with you the Healer.
I’m the hollow bone that holds a safe and healing space for you to relax, rest, recharge & receive the healing energy.
I use Reiki & Shamanic healing modalities & rituals, with sage, feathers, rattles, gong, ankh, and crystals and connect you to Gaia, Goddesses, Archangels, Spirit Guides, Angelic beings, and Healers, so that you can release any attachments from your healings and truly become the beautiful sovereign being you are.
Read my testimonials and discover the Healers; Healer.
I'd LOVE to work with you and help you stay robust, empowered, and fully vibrant in yourself.
Much Love

The Healing Energy will be sent with the intention of healing that which your Mind. Body & Soul know needs attention. I DO NOT need to know what your healing is needed for, that is confidential between you and your Soul.

Energy of Healing
The Energy travels as fast as light, so it will be with you just after I channel it to you. Unless we arranged for it to wait until you were ready to receive it.
As you receive the healing energy you may feel warmth, coolness, tingling, or nothing at all.
All you need to do is relax and accept the healing energy and understand your Body, Mind & Soul know what to do, just be RELAXED and receive.
The Healing energy will stay with you, it could be with you for a month or longer, or do its 'work' on the same day. TRUST it's doing its work for you.

Shamanic Temple
I create a safe, healing space with my Shamanic Temple, which has many guides and power animals and Goddesses, who help channel the powerful healing energies of the Universe through me to you.
I cannot say that the healing session will solve all your issues, pains, and problems with mind, body, and soul.
I can only connect you to the source energy, and act as a 'hollow bone' sending you the energy, your mind, body, and soul know how to use the energy to heal what can be healed and leave what needs to be left.
These kind souls left a comment on their thoughts on the healing energy. See the testimonial page CLICK here .
Healing Energy
The Energy Healings are done online over a video call, and I prefer if you are there in person, however, if you are busy and want me to record the session and capture all the energies within the video I can do that too.
To book a session see my calendar here: EnglishMystic Booking.
I look forward to working with you very soon.
Much Love
BOOK A HEALINGMost would describe me as an adventurer, shamanic, reiki master, horse rider, and business owner. But in reality, I am so much more than that. And so are you.
Society may put us in boxes, but that doesn't mean we have to stay there. So let's break free from who we think we should be and start living the fulfilling, Magical life we deserve.
I'm on a new life path as a Mystical Healer, after 38 years in Computer Software.
I'm remembering my gifts of Healing energy channeller and during this year I'm learning lots and putting it into practice so that I can gain my official stamp of approval from the UK Governing bodies of Alternative Healers.
I learned my Reiki in 2014 and progressed to Reiki Master, and have lots of Reiki healing experiences, and 2018 I started my Shamanic gifts remembrance.
I am making it official with the UK laws by enhancing my Reiki, Rahanni, and Shamanic healing rituals with a recognised Diploma in Shamanic healing. ❤️🩹🙌🧡 this next year I’ll be remembering my gifts.
‘The Diploma in Shamanic Healing Professional course leads to recognition as a Shamanic Healer and access to the Complimentary and Natural Healthcare (CNHC) register. The CNHC was, set up by the UK 🇬🇧 government and provides the only independent UK accredited register of complementary healthcare practitioners.’
I look forward to working with you.
For once be on the RECEIVING end of the beautiful healing energy.