That time in Italy
May 03, 2024
Divine guidance
I received a message that the retreat I was attending was being moved to another date, so I had the end of April and beginning of May free on the calendar, so when I got another message asking if I fancied joining a retreat in Rome Italy I knew it was meant to be.
The Water Priestess Retreat sounded amazing, so I booked the ticket, my flights, and checked out Nemi where our accommodation was and read up on Rome, and I'd had the hankering to see Florence for a while after a Quantum Regression identified a connection to Florence, so I booked an internal flight for after the retreat and a loft room in Florence.
A few weeks before the retreat we had a Zoom call to meet everyone running and taking part in the adventure to Italy, we were a perfectly-compact group of 7, though throughout the retreat we felt like 2 others had joined us in spirit. We were joining as a group, two in Italy, two from the USA, two from Paris, France and myself from the U.K.
Alessandra the researcher, organiser and led, with her sister assisting by driving and telling very-short stories :)
24th April 2024
The travel began with a two-hour drive from Devon to Bristol Airport and some fun finding a parking space in the pre-booked multi-storey car park, you guessed it the spaces were all on the top level!
Car parked I nipped through to departures, having checked in online using the Easyjet app.
B&B in Nemi
The flight went smoothly and I was pleasantly surprised by the good legroom for my 6.1 ft (184 cm) frame :)
I landed and VERY smoothly got through passport control using the automated system, which worked at last for me!
And was met by our B&B Host with his mighty Jeep, my new friends from Paris had arrived late, after a flight delay, so I got to meet them at the airport and chat during our hour's drive from the airport to Nemi. I was rather surprised at how snake-like the roads were, expecting all roads in Italy to be of Roman design and dead straight- nope - they snake up and down the many mountains :)
The B&B has numerous cats, all snoozing around the gardens and house, several small quiet black dogs and a couple of very excited larger 'Pups' who loved to bark each time they saw you. And a VERY large bear of a dog, who I didn't see until I was leaving on the last day, a true beauty you'd not want to mess with :)
One of the cats:
Two of the dogs
25th April 2024
After an okay night's sleep, I find it's always a disturbed sleep when I first visit a new place, the sounds, smells, bed and such like.
We had a delicious breakfast with fruit, and cereal, eggs and bread. I tried the VERY strong Italian coffee and decided it wasn't for me, as I gave up strong coffee years ago. I even tried it with a small bit of salt and it tasted slightly better, though that was 'I tried it', the next day Tea, please.
We then had a pleasant downhill walk, as our Nemi B&B was high up in the hills above the town of Nemi.
Our opening ceremony set the tone for the adventure ahead, 4-days of visiting sacred sites, to call in the codes:
#1: Reclaiming Oracular Power
#2: Creating Sanctuary
#3: Power of Seeing Self
#4: Valuing Self
#5: Honouring Self
#6: Regenerating Self
#7: Launching Expanded Self
We walked back up the hill, less easy than the stroll down, with spectacular views across the lake and onto the sea in the distance.
And met our trusty Van for the coming 4-days.
Downhill into Nemi:
Van Love:
#1: Reclaiming Oracular Power
We drove to Palestrina and walked slowly up the steep hill, through quaint streets, past ancient churches and ruins from a bygone age.
With breath-taking views across to the distant mountains:
You can feel the history in the rocks and walls and churches, each telling you what it has witnessed as it has stood there through time:
We stopped for a packed lunch, so beautifully prepared with love by our B&B hosts, with a view of the twin mountains in the distance:
Refreshed we explored some more of the ancient ruins and had some fun in the sunshine:
We then spent a pleasant while in the National Archaeological museum, with many beautiful sculptures.
Then as a group we felt into the energy of a lower room/corridor, each called to Hum or Om as we walked the length of the room, I played my Tibetan chimes, the sound resonated up and down the corridor and we all felt a shift in the energy, Reclaiming Oracular Power.
The National Archaeological museum, is worth a visit, as it's filled with objects from history each telling a story.
These cones are everywhere, often associated with end of the life and rebirth.
I found this image fascinating, the tail is so vibrant and unique in design on both creatures.
And this scene of the Nile was captivating:
We walked back to the Van and headed back to the B&B (30-minute drive ) marvelling at the scenery as we went and listening to the stories of the local landscapes.
It started to rain so our next outing to meet Margaret at the Temple of Diana was postponed ( we visited on the last date instead: Creating Sanctuary), so we sat in the B&B and Margaret (of Scottish descent) talked to us about the temple of Diana and we received a copy of her book. We then had a very entertaining evening with her and her husband, with more delicious food prepared by our B&B Hosts.
26th April
A good night's sleep this time, as knackered from all the fresh air, walking, viewing, channelling, resetting and food with lovely red wine and Italian Lemoncello from the day before.
Our trusty Van and driver took us to the Archaeological Park of Ostia Antia
We stopped for a drink and cake and I had the most delicious hot chocolate of my life! followed by some delicious chocolate cake - oh my I can taste it as I type :)
Where we strolled among the ruins, I spoke in the theatre semi-round a few lines "Friends, Romans and centurions, Lend me your Ears!', the sound reverberated back at me and sounded awesome, I had a mini-life flashback to a time I was on stage! and a friendly group of Americans having a tour kindly applauded my short rendition and one chap came over and told me of the time his daughter sang a whole song in a setting like this and how proud he was of her :)
and my view on 'stage;
Alessandra explained, shared, and downloaded a ton of wisdom and knowledge about the history of the settlement and as she did I saw our two extra party members standing tall beside her, a male hand on one shoulder and a female on the other, very Proud of her as she shared in public to our small hushed group.
The trees around the area and widely throughout the region, which we called 'Roman Pines' have this gorgeous canopy and cones that are VERY heavy and sticky with resin.
We walked a little further and came to an area that Alessandra thought had some significance for us.
As I walked into the area I felt the energy, it was stagnant on the surface and yet fresh as running water below. I walked up and down the long section and saw coverings that went below to an old stream.
Power of Seeing Self
There we seven of these, and I felt them to be the Chakra points for this old temple section, they needed energy to awaken and clean the surface area, pulling up the clean energy of the old stream below, whose ancient energy still ran strongly.
I surrendered to the feeling and walked up the middle of the chakra points and then felt a serpent energy, I let her in and she guided me to walk around the chakra points in a slithering motion, between them, pulling the ancient energy up from below into the above, I felt myself hissing like a giant Cobra as I slithered up and down the old temple corridor, I stopped at the crown and reversed to the root chakra. At that point, three tourists walked through my energy lines, looked quizzically at me and wandered off. I felt behind me to the temple's Earth star chakra and pulled on that energy. I felt the need to pull all the chakra energy up from below and run up the spine of the chakras, pulling all the energy up, I started to run and felt the strong pull as I pealed the energy off the ground level, pulled up the energy from below. I ran with all I could muster and got halfway, when my energy started to fail, as the weight was too much. As I faltered, our trusty driver, whom I'd just handed my Tibetan chimes too, Chimed a single loud note and its resonance was mighty enough to give me a boost and I shot up the rest of the chakras, pulling with all the might I could, as I did I felt massive wings appear from my shoulder blades, helping to pull the energy along and I ran, my aim the Chakra above the crown, I ran to the crown and released all the energy above into the skies and felt utter joy and a release so strong it took my wind away and I needed a few heart busting moments to recalibrate my energy.
I saw my magic, I saw the Earths, Temples, Support of others and my mighty Wing's power. Truly Power of Seeing Self.
Bath time
We all sat and listened intently to Alessandra as she imparted more wisdom, she talked confidently, even when a large group of tourists meandered past us.
I saw a massive cloud Dragon overhead, listening and emploring the wisdom being shared and thanking us all for our efforts.
We then spent a pleasant time exploring the ruins and found an ancient bath that called us to experience its ancient energy, a true Water baptism from ancient waters, long evaporated.
We ate our exquisite packed lunch sitting by our trusty Van and sampled some herbal brew :) and then jumped aboard the Van for a 60-minute drive to Tarquinia.
Tarquinia, formerly Corneto, is an old city in the province of Viterbo, Lazio, Central Italy, known chiefly for its ancient Etruscan tombs in the widespread necropoleis, or cemeteries, for which it was awarded UNESCO World Heritage status.
In 1922, it was renamed after the ancient city of Tarquinii (Roman) or Tarch(u)na (Etruscan). Although little is visible of the once-great wealth and extent of the ancient city, archaeology is increasingly revealing glimpses of past glories.
Utterly divine views:
We walked in solemn procession into one of the tombs and marvelled at the image we saw, I felt a deep sense of presence here, of a divine female.
Before we walked in processions we'd all been joking about and in a joyful mood, walking into the tomb left me with a deep feeling of respect and feminine strength that silenced me for a good while.
We had some free time, some explored, and others lay in the grass and watched the clouds, I went for that option to ground and feel into the energy that just touched me deeply.
Valuing Self
We visited a small market store on the side of the road and the group purchased a few items then we got aboard the Van and headed the 90 minutes to home and the B&B.
This time we went out to a local restaurant and I had the biggest and most divine Pizza again of my life! - Italy does awesome chocolate, pizza, tiramisu, and gelato ( ice cream ).
My mushroom pizza with super thin base :)
27th April - Rome
A hearty breakfast at the B&B and a stroll into Nemi for a Shamanic session where we received a Dragon egg and a powerful blessing from Alessandra.
Then a stroll back up the hill to the Van and a 60-minute drive into Rome herself. We parked by the angels and jumped out into a very busy Rome, filled with locals and tourists and left our driver to park the van and join us later.
Alessandra led us and we headed towards St Peters Square and found a cafe for a drink and nature break, while we waited for our consummate driver to park the van and come and find us.
Procession towards St Peters.
We took a group photo and pulled our energy together as one, ready to stroll down the middle of the square to St. Peters, the crowds amassed around the square and parted as we walked, two in front and the rest walking together following the direct path to the church.
As we walked the path, slowly and in a dignified fashion we noted to the grid work of plane trails above us and the cloud formations, of Dragons, DNA strands and an alien ship!
We walked like we were cloaked, and wore our cloaks and embryo sacks of protection, as we snuck into St Peters Square in plain sight.
We walked directly to the closest point we could, with the Pope sharing on a massive screen to our left. As we got to the megalife the crowds moved and we stood in front of the column for a while, offering our energy to the surroundings and enacting our individual magic as required. Honouring Self.
A number of us work with Dragon guides
And for our efforts, we were gifted with many Dragon eggs, some have been distributed others remain to be passed to their future Dragon Riders.
I offered to distribute Forty-two of the Dragon eggs and will be calling in the Dragon incubators and future riders in the coming months.
And I saw a Ferrari ! )
We left St. Peters square and headed towards the Van ready for our next adventure, stopping on the way to eat our again delicious packed lunches provided by our B&B.
And then drove around Rome, to see the sites, and then parked up in a cleverly pre-booked underground parking space. And headed to see the Colosseum.
We strolled a little further and climbed up to Palatine Hill
We saw the 'Hall of Isis' and searched for the ancient tomb of the Nymphaeum.
We explored the gardens and enjoyed some time communing with the water, and trees and sat on a fallen tree trunk, riding it like it was a wood dragon.
Ride the Dragon:
We then headed back to the Van for a wee dram of a 24-herb blend drink to fortify us for the drive back to base.
Back at the B&B we had yet another amazing meal and all slept like cats after a successful day.
28th April
I got up and sat outside in the early morning sunshine, then had another hearty breakfast and headed into Nemi for a Shamanic event at Alessandras.
We had a beautiful ritual and received our own baby Dragon, all covered in crystals, birthed from the rose water.
Mine calls herself Lilly :)
We walked back up to the B&B, picked up our packed lunches and headed off in the Van to Giardino Ninfa
We were booked for an English speaker and got an Italian, which wasn't an issue as the talking would have distracted us from the pure natural elegance and beauty of the gardens.
We spent our time strolling through gorgeous gardens filled with flowers in bloom, and clear waters with rare blackfish, I got to smell the elegant fragrance of oranges growing on a tree, it was tempting to pluck one off a low branch, I didn't as rules did not allow.
Can you spot the rare blackish?
Sweet smelling Oranges - Regenerating Self
We sat on wooden benches and used the picnic rug provided by our B&B hosts and ate another filling packed lunch.
We then set off on a short 15-minute drive to Norba, via a very steep and snaking road, high up into the hills. The views were spectacular and above us swirled the brave souls gliding on chutes.
We watched as they jumped off the cliff top!!
Launching Expanded Self:
By our talented 'driver'
What a view!
We headed back down the snaking road and stopped off at the Diana Temple, which we missed because of the rain earlier in the retreat, to finish the day with a dance.
A final evening meal at our B&B and a last sleep with the fresh cool mountain Nemi Air.
Final Day in Nemi
I got up super early with the sunrise and heard downhill toward Nemi and then down towards the lake, taking a gentle stroll and then a long climb back up the hill to breakfast and goodbyes, as the trusty Jeep took those flying home or for me onto Florence to the Airport.
Typical local shops
Water Goddess
The lake in the Volcanic crater
Nemi back street
And the Airport again heading to Florence
As I left the battery on the phone was 69% and the gate was number 69 and then I saw 69 a lot after that, so I looked it up and got the message from my angels as:
This flight was with Italian Airlines and the Italians ( as I saw them ) are mainly petite, so the human I am did not fit in the seats, luckily the seat next to me was vacant so I could sit with legs at an angle that allowed my knees to just fit behind the seat in front - note to self - don't use Italian airlines on a long flight - this was a 55 minute one - so not too bad :)
Flight view as we neared Florence.
I landed in Florence, nipped through passport control and caught a 34 Euro taxi to my accommodation, which had a rather low ceiling in the loft :)
It did fine for two nights and was a 30-minute stroll into the centre where I explored and found all the David statues.
The views along the river are stunning and I walked up and down and over the many bridges along its banks, watched the row boats and paddle boarders and sat outside in the sunshine watching the world go by - BLISS.
Compared to Rome it is a lot quieter in Florence, though it was busy with lots of people about.
I found a square near the first David Status to chill in before I headed into the throng of people and the queue to see Michelangelo's statue of the David
The first evening I watched the sunset over the river and explored where the Galleria Accademia Firenze was ready for the next day's adventure and viewing of three of the Davids in Florence ( Firenze ).
And of course, I stopped for Pizza and lashings of ice cream ( Gelato )
I prebooked with Italy Pass to queue jump into David #1 on my list of three
And there he is, naked David, big hands and feet, a sling over his back and a cheeky bottom :)
and on his own:
I looked around the art and saw lots and lots of Christ on the cross scenes and noted they all had the nails in the wrong places, they had them in the hands and that did not occur;
In ancient Rome, during crucifixions, the nails were typically driven through the wrists and ankles of the condemned person. This method was chosen because the hands and feet have enough structure to support the weight of the body, ensuring a prolonged and agonising death. The wrists were believed to be a stronger support than the hands, which could tear under the person's weight. Interestingly, the depiction of nails through the palms in religious art emerged much later, perhaps for dramatic effect or to align with certain interpretations of scripture. It's a grim aspect of history, but an important one to understand when considering the context of Roman crucifixions.
I also noted how poorly the artists were are hands - just like our modern AI art :), at least she has the right number of fingers :)
I then followed my trusty map to find David #2:
Piazza della Signoria
And loved the other statues around the square:
I lingered a while among the statues and marvelled at the sculpture's work.
And then sat for a little while and refreshed my energy before tackling the hill climb.
On the way I stopped at a Record shop - I felt like it was back in the 1980's again :)
The city is spotted with modern art too, a few examples:
Piazzale Michelangelo
I climbed up way above the city
To find the #3rd David
Gathered my thoughts and enjoyed the vast view over Florence
And headed back down to the city and had a rewarding Gilato :)
I found the Irish pub too, every city has one it seems :)
And then back to the loft room, and headed home the next day, I awoke to thunder and storm rain, sad like me to be leaving Italy.
This time I had to hop over to Amsterdam for a connection, and I hit the queue for passport inspection and the 'stupid' questions from the Dutch!
The KLM flight was good, with a great crew, a drink and a sandwich, but nothing with Italian and Easyjet Airlines. Though each KLM landing was rather hard and a harsh stop! we take the smooth and the rough for balance.
The connection from Amsterdam home to Bristol (UK) went smoothly and I got upgraded to seat 3D from back at 21 :) and another drink and sandwich and I was FIRST off the plane, and through passport control and had to walk the queue line, back and forth even though no one else was about and they could have bypassed the long route ! I got through on the automated system again ( in the passed it never worked - this trip it's working well! )
Anyway got through, then more 'stupid' questions and fake smiles :)
I mention now the shift in perspective and why I say fake and stupid - as I see the matrix so clearly after the retreat and the three David's energy download
Why Florence Why Davids'?
Some months I had a Quantum Regression and a connection to Florence and some wisdom held for me, to unlock I needed to visit the Three Davids in Florence and the retreat was a happy pre-tester to align my energy, given to me by Great Goddess.
So the flow and thoughts as I traversed the adventure of the three David was:
David’s feet and hands are massive
The hands of artists are truly poor like Ai hands
The crucifixion has nails in wrong place on all images
It’s mostly legend and fantasy the whole story made up of pagan stories across the world !
I see it was all fantasy art of the day
Those whom have bravado ( big feet hands ) do not always have the weight to back it up ; see through the mask & veils the cloak themselves with ; use your magic !
David #2
I saw St George slaying Dragon 🐉 too
killing of man-horse ; lots of murder scenes ; those who stand out get killed by the masses ( usually )
Giants can be killed with a simple sling and stone ( you can bring down the mighty ( elite ) with a simple weapon)
David #3
Music 🎵 feeds the soul and inflames the hearts desire
NEVER GiVE UP not ever ever ever ever 💥
There will always be a light and dark side you choose whom to journey with
And the balance will be between the two
( walk your souls path or walk not at all )
Not all paths are without danger ; tread with wisdom
Water is your life’s blood drink from the freshest stream ( it means your energy too )
Every single step is important on the longest and shortest journey tread with ease and grace
Tread the well worn track until it is time to forge your own
The journey reveals more than the destination
Always celebrate every win and loss,
Every victory and every step of your journey
Arrived at noon to celebration Bells ( the church and local bells were ringing Noon )
Surround yourself on all sides with shields and your tribe of same minded souls ; the mission will be shared and easier as one
Be warned your inner circle must remove those with false masks 🙌💥
Feeling all the emotions ; fear rage anxiety joy excitement happy and letting them flow into the earth ; releasing old trauma from this past / parallel life connection ; I had a strong connection to Florence in the past and it sucked ! Loss, incomplete promises ; it’s released 🙌❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🩹❤️🩹❤️🩹❤️🩹❤️🩹
Thanks, ITALY - Nemi, Rome and Florence for a great adventure - until next.....
And back home the Shamanic Temple has the Italian magick items added:
And home until the next adventure - Peru in September 2024