Create an aura around you that is so strong that every negative word or thought aimed at you bounces off like water from a duck's feathers
Mar 08, 2023
Create an aura around you that is so strong that every negative word or thought aimed at you bounces off like water from a duck's feathers
This powerful ritual must only be undertaken when you are sure of your intention, if you use this to attack rather than repel be fair warned it will probably harm you!
Find a place you shall not be disturbed
A quiet place
In nature by a mighty tree is ideal
And yet within thy home will prevail
Stand as you would to meet a foe
Legs slightly apart, and feet strongly planted upon the ground
Stand with hands lose at your sides
And glare before thee with intent
Bring all your courage and valour and might it a flame within thy heart
Let the flame roar and shine bright
Imagine it now to expand with might
And wrap itself around you like you wear a warm cloak at night
Let the flame burn bright
And harm not a mute
Yet form a barrier of stupendous might
And now speaketh thy words with mighty intent
“I banish thy words of hate and ill intent, I reflect thy thoughts my foes, I repel thy sour words like a shield does an arrow, my flames deflect all that thy might send my way”
Imagine that any comment or slight bounces off the fiery shield of might and disappears off into the darkness of night, never to return or cause thy fright
Call in the fiery shield of might
Every morning
And Every Night
Go forth into thy life
Confident in thy own might
Be safe my Soul friend with thy fiery might 🔥🔥🔥