Meet Your Spirit Guides with Shamanism Webinar with EnglishMystic
Aug 02, 2023Play the video above to watch the Meet Your Spirit Guides with Shamanism Webinar
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What Are Spirit Guides:
Our spirit guides are a Universal force that are here to help us. A spirit guide can appear as an animal, angel, light being, mythical creature, ancestor, ancient god or goddess, otherworldly entity, or interdimensional being.
At the most basic level, a spirit guide is a type of energy that is embodied in an array of different forms.
Spirit guides are a force or aspect of life which might teach, warn, support, comfort, heal, remind, and reveal things that we need to learn about ourselves in order to grow in this lifetime.
Only one Spirit guide?
You might wonder if we have many spirit guides or just one. In my experience, we have multiple spirit guides.
Some we are born with, and others visit us during the course of our life, to stay or just for a short time.
In Shamanism we use the term spirit guides and power animals, both can be considered guides.
Our guides typically accompany us throughout our lives and help us to learn life lessons. Some guides are transient and help us with a particular part of our lives.
Types of Spirit Guide
1. Part Animal & Part Human
Many spirit guides manifest themselves as part animal and part human, such as centaurs, fauns, harpies, mermaids, sphinxes, fairies, and minotaurs.
Many deities also appear as spirit guides, for instance, Anubis (jackal-headed Egyptian god), Ganesha (elephant-headed Indian god), Ra (falcon head, human body), Toth (bird head, human body )
2. Animal
Spirit Animals often reflect a person’s own inner yearnings, passions, instincts, and needs, they could be an Owl, Eagle, Bear, Fox, Wolf, Elephant, Whale and any animal known or not known.
3. Ancestors
An ancestral guide could be a long or recently deceased member of your blood family (mother, father, grandfather/mother, and way back through time), or an ancestor from another lifetime or timeline.
4. Being of Light
Light beings often arrive to help people move through traumatic areas of life such as Illness, death, loss, and grief. Light beings are called such because of their tendency to appear bright, glowing, and full of light.
5. Goddesses & Gods
Common Goddesses/Gods that serve as spirit guides include, Isis, Athena, Kuan Yin, Apollo, Lakshmi, Lugh, Kali, Hathor, Horus, and Shiva.
I work with Isis, Bast, Wadjet, and Sekhmet.
6. Plants & Trees
Shamans know that the world and everything in it is composed of vibrant, living energy. This includes plants & trees. Plant medicine, a psychoactive brew that is made in places such as Colombia / Peru is a well-known way of getting in touch with the spirits of nature, though this can be done also, simply by being with them.
7. Ascended Masters
Ascended masters are normally people that have already lived on Earth, who went through a spiritual experience and became enlightened, or who escaped/transcended the cycle of reincarnation.
Ascended masters are the ultimate teachers, to help you achieve, wisdom, peace, wholeness, and harmony in life.
They include Krishna, Confucius, Kuthumi, Melchizedek, Mother Mary, Christ, Merlin, Babaji, and Gautama Buddha.
8. Interdimensional being / Otherworldly
We often use the term 'Alien', however, Interdimensional being sits better I feel. I have a 'doctor' who looks like a lady Dr. Spock! Who knows who your allies in life might be.
How to connect to your guides?
- Some will have been with you all your life, we call them Guardian Angels too. Think back to your childhood when you knew them, I had a Lion as a child :) and now always.
- Meditation / Breathwork / Yoga is a good way to relax and empty the mind and call them in with your heart.
- Immerse yourself in nature, and hug a tree for a few hours, which is especially good for calling on nature beings, and trees are portals to our Guides.
- In Shamanism we do all of those and in addition, we journey to meet them in the Lower and Upper realms, using the portal created by the magical shaman's drum.
Spirit Guides & Shamanism
I run a course that connects people with their spirit guides, we call in or remember multiple guides and start to learn/remember how they can assist us.
We learn which ones have been with us always and for me, the Lions and Dragons have been with me.
Since I started Reiki and Shamanic healing, other guides have joined my Shamanic Temple; Dolphins, Whales, Otters, Hawks, Eagles, Owls, Mermaids, Dragons, Ogres, Lions, Jaguars, Wolves, Nature beings, 'Aliens', Goddesses, Light beings, Masters, Ancestors, Gaia, Cobras, Ancestral Healers, Bears, to name a few.
FURTHER HEALING options to work with me
I'm a Shamanic teacher and healer, and I love to share the healing energy and teach people to tap into the energy sources themselves, to self-heal.
Shamanic Healing
A Shamanic healing can be a chakra cleanse, an aura refresh, or healing for pain, illness, and trauma. We can visit past lives and assist with ancestral lineage issues and of course, meet power animals and go on healing journeys. such as call back parts of your Soul that left during this and past/parallel lives or for a powerful dismemberment journey, meet your spirit guides ( team ). Sessions occur over a video call, or in person if you are in Devon, England, and current clients are worldwide many have left beautiful testimonials you can read on my site.
Fee is ÂŁ 111 (one session) or ÂŁ 300 (for three sessions and best results)