The four stages of learning Shamanism
Feb 01, 2023
The four stages of learning Shamanism are the initiate, the novice, the healer, and the elder or master.
As with any spiritual path, the journey of shamanism consists of four distinct stages: the initiate, the novice, the healer, and the elder. Each stage is characterised by a different level of understanding, ability, and wisdom.
The initiate is the first stage of shamanism, characterised by a beginner's mind. At this stage, the seeker is just beginning to learn about shamanism and its practices. He or she is likely to be working with a shamanic teacher or guide and is still very much in the process of understanding the basics of the shamanic worldview.
The novice is the second stage of shamanism and is characterised by a deepening of understanding and knowledge. The novice has likely been working with a shamanic teacher or guide for some time and has begun to develop his or her own shamanic practice. He or she is beginning to develop a deeper understanding of shamanism and is starting to develop shamanic skills and abilities.
The healer is the third stage of shamanism and is characterised by a mastery of shamanic skills and knowledge. The healer is someone who has fully integrated shamanism into his or her life and has developed a high level of shamanic skill and ability. He or she is able to use shamanic skills to help others and is often called upon to do so.
The elder or master is the fourth and final stage of shamanism and is characterised by a wisdom that comes with age and experience. The elder shaman is someone who has been working with shamanism for many years and has developed a deep understanding of the shamanic worldview. He or she is often called upon to teach others about shamanism, and to help them on their own shamanic journey.