Apr 12, 2023
"When enough Seeds are awake, freed from fear and other negative aspects of the third and fourth level consciousness, the fifth level seeds will be able to sprout within humanity and form a Whole."
I am off to Peru on Monday to walk the Inca trail, sit with the Apus and Pachamama and call in all the energies of the divine place. I share this, for this time!
The Q'eros...
The big brothers...
They sought refuge in the mountains at more than 4,200 meters high, sheltering from invaders.
There they stayed for 500 years.
They have cherished the original knowledge and the sacred prophecy about a great change EL PACHAKUTEK waiting for the time when this world, would take a turn, returning harmony and putting an end to the age of chaos and disorder.
The Q'eros have lived in their territories high in the Andes, practically isolated.
During the celebration of the annual feast of the "Return of the Pleiades", the people gathered there, were amazed to see the Q'eros appear, dressed with the Inca emblem of the Sun, announcing that the time of the prophecies had come.
"We've been waiting for you for 500 years."
The ancient prophecy mentions that this is the time of the great meeting, called Mastay and it is the time of integration of the peoples of the four cardinal points.
They are the ones who are now offering their teachings to the West in preparation for the day when the Northern Eagle and the Southern Condor fly together again.
They also tell us that, Love and Compassion, will be the forces that guide the union of peoples.
"The new guardians of the Earth will come from the West, and, those who have made a greater impact on Mother Earth, now bear the responsibility to remake the relationship with Her, after remaking themselves."
The prophecy holds that North America will provide the physical strength, Europe will provide the mental aspect, and the heart, will be given by South America.
With this, the prophecies are encouraging, they refer to the end of time as we have known it so far, it is the end of a way of thinking, a way of being, a way of relating to nature and among beings.
The Incas expect the emergence of a new golden age, although they also mention tumultuous changes on Earth and in the people’s psyche to redefine relationships and spirituality.
The Great Change has already begun and brings the promise of a new human being. The chaos and confusion will last 4 years.
The Q'eros, talk about a "tear" in the fabric of time.
They say that, we must die to old models of spirituality in order to open ourselves to self-renewal, becoming midwives and midwives of a new way of thinking and acting.
We need to re-learn to honor and respect Mother Earth, Father Sun, Star Sisters, discover and respect everything and everyone and so, be able to make a quantum leap toward what we are becoming, all together.
The Q'eros say that the doors between worlds are opening again, holes forming in the time we can penetrate through to explore our capabilities and reclaim our luminous nature.
Their prophecies say that we are ending the transition time and the fifth level of consciousness will begin to manifest, after this change the sixth level of consciousness will appear and, the golden age of humanity, will begin little by little, step.
The golden age will announce the beginnings of the sixth Sun, which will be the time for the "children of Light" to be fully awake.
Prophecy announces that when the fifth level of consciousness is reached, this will be done collectively and simultaneously.
"When enough Seeds are awake, freed from fear and other negative aspects of the third and fourth level consciousness, the fifth level seeds will be able to sprout within humanity and form a Whole."
"Follow in your own footsteps. Learn from rivers, trees, and rocks.
Honour your brothers, honour Mother Earth, honour the Great Spirit.
Honour yourself and all of Creation. Look with the eyes of your soul and commit to what is essential