Marlene Umanra on Dragon Talks

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Starseed | Blueprint Connector | Wayshower | Dragon Rider | Soul Guide
Healer | Martial Artist | Creator | Spiritual Alchemist | Dreamer

My journey of remembrance of who I Be started at age 32 when I dramatically changed my life and stepped away from a career in IT and set off to become a professional martial arts instructor and natural health practitioner. I had no knowledge of anything esoteric or metaphysical but I knew there must be something more to life, so I set off to begin the removal of my self-imposed spiritual blocks and veils.


I am a Way Shower and Indigo of the last of the First Wave of Volunteers in this particular incarnation. I am a Healer and Guide for Light Workers and a Blueprinter that have had countless lives embodied in the last 12,000 years to stabilise this particular Timeline towards the Ascension of Humanity on a Fifth Dimensional Gaia. I am a Dragon Rider of the White Mother Dragon Monad, fully merged with my Dragon Uman and we are the Twin Flame of Ra (AmunRa). We are Guardians to Gaia’s Heart and were Dragon Samurai protectors of the Dragon Teams that created Gaia.


As a seasoned Natural Health Practitioner and full-time Martial Arts Instructor with over 25 years of experience I am now utilising a hands-on multi-modality Wholistic Alignment Treatment. My approach to healing combines a variety of techniques that also draws upon my analytical skills from my background in computer systems to intuitively address the unique health challenges of my clients. In the realm of martial arts with over two decades of experience, I now impart the wisdom of Karate & Tai Chi Chuan to others, focusing on the holistic benefits of these ancient arts combined with Qi Gong for physical fitness, mental clarity, and rehabilitation in my own non-traditional way.


My creativity finds expression in the fusion of art and spirituality. This includes crafting AI-infused Oracle Card decks, each image resonating with deep spiritual insights, the first being The DragonWeaver’s Magic of the Animal Kingdom Oracle Card Deck. I've also created a tranquil space for mindfulness and self-expression through an Adult Colouring website and am developing a Holistic Wellness Journal drawing from my experience in the wellness industry that will incorporate my own adult coloring mindfulness designs. Each of these spiritual tools are infused with Dragon energetic Light Codes, creating a unique spiritual resonance.


My current focus and Life Task is the New Earth 5D Sync Project, a monumental Grid-work initiative to connect individuals to Gaia’s Fifth Dimensional Spiritual Chakra system at the higher frequencies. This project will involve Sacred Light and Music Ceremonies, Attunements, and Conscious Music Concerts at a set of 12 specific Sacred Sites globally over the span of the next decade. We commenced this transformative journey at the Solar Plexus Chakra focal point of Table Mountain, Cape Town in South Africa on Lionsgate in 2023, and I warmly extend an invitation to everyone to join and co-create in this venture, embodying our shared journey on our beautiful planet home, Gaia.


Cape Town | South Africa (for ...soon)


Marlene Umanra