Harmonizing your home and energetic system with Sound, light language and crystal gridding with Michelle De Los Santos


Visionary artist and healer Michelle made an amazing discovery during a powerful healing journey that revitalized and resurrected her health. 

Her extensive research on ancient traditions, healing modalities and merging creativity, led to a cohesive way to accelerate health in all areas of her life.

Synergy of Dragons was ignited and created for everyone. Unlocking the inner keys to manifest a thriving life. 

Being a participant of your own healing empowers not just you but the whole collective.  When you build a strong foundation to support accelerated growth,  the breakthroughs can multiply and bring powerful changes.

Michelle is there to support you in your journey to a soul aligned life. 

By combining multi-dimensional healing  Michelle creates interior exterior realignment by activating and harmonizing the energetic field.

We begin to add color therapy, light language, music and crystals to support your transformation and home space.  This can be done both in person or remotely via Zoom sessions. 

Michelle also brings beautiful souls on a Rise In Love soul aligned journey. The transformation that occurs with powerful soul key codes being activated, together support a better connection with your guides and major breakthroughs.  She will also give an Immersive  sound healing with Tibetan bowls, drums and channeled songs.


Harmonizing your home and energetic system with Sound, light language and crystal gridding.



Instagram: @healingwaterfalls